(click images to start gif)
- Spare time
- Java
- November 2015
I were scrolling at facebook and saw (this video). of someone drawning a mandala.
This inspired me to create this functionality with java.
Code / features:
-Rotation matrix :
a = a + (i*m); // m = 360/size (360 devided by the amount of pens)
angle = (float) (a * Math.PI/180);
newX = (int) (centerX + (mousePoint.x-centerX)*Math.cos(angle) - (mousePoint.y-centerY)*Math.sin(angle));
newY = (int) (centerY + (mousePoint.x-centerX)*Math.sin(angle) + (mousePoint.y-centerY)*Math.cos(angle));
Process: 1 hour
Programmer: Justin Bieshaar
Blog post: http://www.java-gaming.org/topics/mandala-drawning/36879/view.html