Choocy’s adventure

  • Spare time OpenGL project
  • C++ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  • September 2016 – Spare time project.


My first C++ game using OpenGL.
After working on Java OpenGL I’d liked to test my knowledge about OpenGL and learn to create 3D models using Blender3D. I started with creating a 3D model of my girlfriends dog using Blender3D. Then I started to render the 3D moddeled dog with OpenGL in C++.

I managed to render a 3D model in C++ OpenGL very fast and started to create a 3D world for my girlfriends dog. After I made for fun a bending shader at my Internship at NLR – Dutch Aerospace Center (which looked very cool in AR). I decided to implement this in my 3D C++ OpenGl project as well, which caused a very interesting adventuring feeling.

Code / Game features:
– Obj loader.
– Terrain generation.
– Multi textured terrains.
– Terrain heightmap height generation.
– Terrain collision.
– GUI rendering.
– Skybox rendering.
– Player movement.
– Lightning (Point light and directional light).
– World Bending behaviour.
– Fog.
– Water rendering and generation.
– Camera rotation

– Particle system.
– Object collision
– Procuderally generated terrains
– AI walking animals


Process: Spare time
Art and Programming: Justin Scott Bieshaar