RoyalDice Mini was initially developed for Facebook instant games platform in 2017. It’s a quick demo for the main game RoyalDice.
Players are able to play asynchonously with each other. Every time you make a move the opponent receives a message to make their move. This will continue all the way until all moves are made and a winner is decided. You then have a leaderboard with your friends and match history.

When Facebook Instant Games started to become less popular RoyalDice mini continued as a promotional game for RoyalDice on HTML5 distribution platforms featuring only a story mode.

Technology: HTML5 JavaScript
Platform: Facebook and HTML5 App distributions. Playable on any mobile platform and web.
Date: December 2017

Play game:

My responsibilities:

My graduation project was to create a HTML5 game. So, when I joined GamePoint and told I had experience with HTML5 I got the assignment to make a RoyalDice mini game. This was together with creating prototypes for GamePoint Casino. At start I was the only developer on this project working on the game play mechanics and working on the Facebook instant implementations to share messages and have asynchronous play. After I developed the full game play flow and mechanics for Facebook instant I partially guided an intern to develop a journey mode in the game.