Java 3D (WIP)

Spare time

Spare time WIP

This is my first made 3D system
While my internship at GamePoint, I started to focus on 3D in my spare time. First I started to research how 3D systems work, watching videos and reading posts on 3d forums section, studying OpenGL and Shaders.

Currently I have managed to create a 3D terrain with multiple texturing and heights using a blend and heightmap, rendering .obj files created with blender, realtime day night cycle, scene managment, and using shaders with GLSL java.

Code / features:
- Realtime day/night cycle
- Reading .obj files
- Rendering .obj
- Terrain with blend and heightmap
- Camera behaviour
- Fragment and vertex shaders using GLSL java
- Lights

WIP (high priorities)
- Collisions
- Animations
- Particles
- Shadows
- UI / HUD

For this project I am using: OpenGL, LWJGL and GLSL.

Process: spare time
Programmer: Justin Bieshaar

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