As I started to become more acknowledged on Instagram I wanted to point out a topic I noticed not many content creators were talking about. Which is about design patterns. Because this topic isn’t that easy to create Instagram content for, I decided to create blog posts and referred my followers to read it on my website. This series was created entirely as a side project while working at GamePoint.

Technology: Unity C# & Java
Platform: Blog
Date: August 2021

Introduction post:

Design patterns series – Introduction

Facade and Singleton pattern in Unity:

As first two patterns I decided to start with two easy to understand and commonly used patterns in Unity3D enigne. Which are the Facade and Singleton pattern. I try to explain the use of each pattern, give a simple example and then resources to learn more about it.

Façade Pattern

Singleton Pattern

Java, creating missile command showcasing patterns like ECS and Factory

With the game Missile Command I try to showcase design patterns with how they could be done in practice creating this famous Atari game. I try to explain the use of each pattern, give a simple example and then resources to learn more about it.

Missile command – design patterns

Factory Pattern

ECS Pattern

State Pattern

Mediator pattern

Observer Pattern

Missile Command – Recap + Challenge!